There may be times when your S3 Sink Connector / GCS Sink Connector appears to have a 'lag'.
A definition of what is considered a 'lag' in this context could be :
*) How frequently files are uploaded to S3/GCS compared to most recent timestamps on events
You may be observing a delay in how often files are being uploaded to S3/GCS compared to the most recent timestamps on events
*) The connectors consumer group reports a consistent lag
Each Managed Sink Connector has a corresponding consumer group which reads events from the topics being monitored by the connector.
For example..
if we have a S3 Sink Connector /GCS Sink Connector named :
The corresponding Consumer Group name is:
The lag in this case, being the difference between most recent topic event offset and the latest committed offset for the consumer group.
In either
rpk group describe <group-name>
Redpanda Console > Consumer Groups
The amount of lag for the consumer group is displayed ..
Additionally , you may have query based on metrics that displays consumer group lag.
For the S3/GCS Sink Connectors there are 2 parameters that can influence the 'lag' behaviour .
Max records per file / file.max.records
The maximum number of records to put in a single file. Must be a non-negative number. 0 is interpreted as "unlimited", which is the default. In this case files are only flushed after
File flush interval milliseconds /
The time interval to periodically flush files and commit offsets. Value specified must be a non-negative number. Default is 60 seconds. 0 indicates that it is disabled. In this case, files are only flushed after reaching file.max.records record size
Connector Documentation :
#advanced-aws-s3-sink-connector-configuration / #advanced-gcs-sink-connector-configuration
So for example ...if you have a low volume topic, the connector could waiting until either
- there is enough data in the file before it is sent to S3/GCS (based on file.max.records)
- time has been exceeded
Only once the files have been successfully been uploaded to S3/GCS will the connectors consumer group offset be committed ..thus reducing the consumer group lag.
That did not work
Please log a ticket with Redpanda Support, provide the following information :
- Connector Configuration (JSON format)
- If you are running self-hosted output of :
-- rpk group describe <connector consumer group>
--rpk debug bundle
-If you are using Redpanda Cloud
--Confirmation of the name of the impacted Redpanda Cluster
--Screenshot of Console > Consumer Groups > $connector_group_name